GRI 2-7, 2-8, 403-1, 403-2, 403-3, 403-4, 403-5, 403-6, 403-7, 403-9, 403-10, 404-1, 404-2, 404-3, 405-1, 405-2, 406-1
Our collaborators are at the core of Grupo Bafar’s
value creation. For this reason, our commitment and
priority are to strengthen our staff by enabling their
individual growth and ensuring a safe, healthy, and
inclusive work environment.
In 2021, we were able to undertake important projects, including medical follow-up, evaluation and mitigation of psychosocial risks, and training programs, with the aim of promoting a culture of dignified work and strengthening the organization-collaborator relationship, along with building a much more competitive identity at a national and international level.
At the end of 2021, our staff was composed of 11,759 collaborators.

Workforce by Workforce by     Members of governance
gender: age group:     bodies by age group:

At Grupo Bafar, we seek to provide the best
opportunities for the professional, economic, and
personal development of our collaborators; therefore,
through Universidad Bafar, A.C., we offer them the
necessary courses and tools for their ongoing growth
within the organization.
At Universidad Bafar, we ensure that all collaborators
gain the knowledge and skills needed to perform their
duties efficiently. At the same time, we also promote
the learning and development of skills that allow them
to grow and take on new positions in the organization.
Our training model is grounded on the design and implementation of a specific study plan for each position and area of Grupo Bafar’s business units. This curriculum allows collaborators to develop all the technical and management skills related to their position within the organization. It also includes “Executive Training” courses that spread the organizational culture throughout the whole operation.
Likewise, we seek to empower an integral, efficient, and responsible leadership in our collaborators; therefore, the curriculum of a senior position within the organizational structure contains not only the courses corresponding to this position, but also the curriculum of all the positions that follow it. In this way, collaborators are familiar with the requirements, skills, and knowledge of the positions they must lead.

On the other hand, to monitor the performance of
our collaborators, 100%* of our workforce receives a
quarterly performance evaluation.
*Trainees, temporary staff, messengers, drivers, and personal security staff are not evaluated.

To promote the professional and personal success of
our collaborators, we have established an Internal Talent
Development Model that allows us to fill vacancies
and new positions with Grupo Bafar talent. This model
is supported by two main programs: Talent Pool and
Management Talent Development.
While continuing to perform their current duties,
internal collaborators complete a training program for
an immediate superior position to fill it in the future if
needed. After being selected according to defined
criteria such as seniority and performance, participating
collaborators learn about the standard operation of the
position to be developed, thus advancing their career
progress within Grupo Bafar.
This program is available for various positions in the
Consumer Products, Retail, and Supply Chain business
units, including commercial executives, shift managers,
warehouse managers, coordinators, assistant managers,
and managers, among others.

Collaborators who completed the Talent Pool program: Promoted Talent Pool collaborators*:

Management Talent Development
This initiative comprises 5 different internal development programs through which an Individual Development Plan (IDP) is assigned to each participant. This IDP allows the development of skills through a “70, 20, 10” methodology, where 70% of the learning is done on the job, 20% is learned through coaching, and 10% through academic training - which includes, for example, courses taken in collaboration with other universities.
The positions applicable to this talent development strategy are middle management, area heads, and upper management since, in addition to the requirements established for the Talent Pool program, Universidad Bafar employs specific evaluation tools:
- • 360 Evaluation: every two years, the collaborator is evaluated by his superior, his peers and him/herself.
- • Evaluatest: this is a psychometric evaluation that allows identifying gaps and developing a plan to solve them.
- • 25-box matrix: allows mapping Grupo Bafar’s talent and evaluating collaborators through two dimensions. On the one hand, a performance score is given, corresponding to the collaborator’s scorecard; and on the other hand, their development potential is rated through an external and independent methodology. Depending on the results obtained, collaborators are placed in different blocks of the matrix and different, completely personalized development strategies are formulated.
The 5 Management Talent Development programs are:
- Succession plans: this is a strategic program focused on the preparation of skills for future growth. It is applicable to heads, managers, and directors, assigning them an individual development plan based on the results of Evaluatest, as well as the 360 Evaluation and the 25-box matrix.
- High Potentials: training is provided to new collaborators who have been identified as high potentials at head and management level. Managers or area directors, in coordination with the Human Capital area and Universidad Bafar, select the participants considering their performance across different evaluations.
- Key positions: allows the development of candidates for a key or critical position, assigning them an IDP according to the job requirements. The program considers a key position as a role of vital importance for a business unit and/or an area carrying out functions tied with highly specialized operational processes or with a high replacement cost.
- Current position: allows to improve the performance of collaborators to better meet the needs of the current position. Gaps are identified so that they can perform optimally with less emotional stress.
- Cross Training: consists of training staff in different tasks or positions to broaden their skills and knowledge background. The objective is to promote an integral preparation that allows for their transversal growth within the company.
- Explain to student collaborators the tasks, steps, and activities to be performed.
- Observe the collaborator performing the job.
- Allow the student collaborators to receive directions and advise on the performance of the job.
- Allow the student collaborators to carry out the activities of the job to provide feedback.
- Attend work free from the influence of substances that could hinder the safe execution of activities.
- Report to the immediate supervisor any accident, as well as the existence of hazardous equipment, practices, or conditions.
- Be informed and promote the necessary measures to prevent accidents.
- Severity class 1 accidents: accidents reported where the collaborators can continue working normally without any health affectation.
- Severity class 2 accidents: accidents where the collaborator requires a temporary work incapacity or operational adjustment.
- • Bimonthly programs: medical studies, blood pressure monitoring, capillary glucose screening and rapid HIV tests. In addition, awareness-raising activities are carried out on International Cancer Day, International Women’s Day, and World Diabetes Day, among others.
- • Seasonal programs: vaccination of staff against influenza.
- • Recurring programs: weekly distribution of vitamin C supplements to employees.
- • Follow-up of chronic illnesses
- • Visits to a nutritionist
- • Prenatal care
- • Scheduling of audiometry and spirometry tests for personnel in at-risk areas
- • Blood pressure check for contractors and drivers

Results of the Management Talent Development program in 2021

School Stores
At Grupo Bafar, we believe that learning should entail a
practical approach that allows collaborators to acquire
knowledge and test skills in real situations.
For this reason, our School Stores are certified to instruct new collaborators in a practical way on how to correctly performance their new positions. They are also used as a learning tool for collaborators who are part of the Talent Pool program.
The collaborators of these stores are certified as instructors to conduct training in accordance with the 4-step method:
Number of School Stores:

As an organization, we believe that cultural diversity
is a source of empowerment for our human capital.
Thus, we promote equal rights and opportunities for all
our collaborators, regardless of background, ethnicity,
nationality, marital status, opinions, gender, beliefs,
economic class, health condition, family situation, sexual
identity, union affiliation, disability, or immigration status.
We also promote a work environment free of any harassment, violence, or abuse, whether verbal, physical and/or sexual. To ensure safety at our
workplaces, we
ask our collaborators to report any incident through the Human Capital area and our internal whistleblower hotlines.
With the purpose of moving towards the creation of a diverse and inclusive work environment, Grupo Bafar is formulating a Diversity and Inclusion Policy. Likewise, we monitor the salary gap between women and men for each employee category:

To continue advancing towards salary equality, at Grupo Bafar we determine the remuneration of our collaborators through a tabulator policy that sets the salary range by functions and responsibility of the position to the organization regardless of gender, race, social background, or beliefs.

No discrimination cases were reported in 2021.

At Grupo Bafar, we implement a health and safety strategy to prevent and mitigate the risks our collaborators face on a daily basis. In accordance with the rules and practices established under compliance with Mexico’s labor laws, we developed 3 main guidelines, contained in our Code of Ethics, which allow us to safeguard the health and safety of our collaborators:

Number of accidents by plant

Work incapacity days by plant

*Approximately 50% of the increase in work incapacity days between 2020 and 2021 is attributable to a surge in COVID-19 cases and unresolved extended sick leaves due to the contingency.

Risk assessment
Assessing the hazards and risks inherent to the different activities performed by collaborators is the first step to deploy appropriate prevention and/or mitigation strategies. For this reason, we conducted a risk assessment by work activity.
In 2021, this analysis consisted of identifying the work activities of all areas of the Chihuahua Plant to subsequently pinpoint critical areas based on accident frequency. From this information, health and safety risks were analyzed for each activity within the plant and the corresponding prevention plans were put in place.
A matrix was obtained as a result of the analysis, which determines the magnitude of each risk observed, considering the sequence of the process to be carried out, the number of collaborators involved, the machinery and equipment used, the type of hazard, the possible injury mechanisms, the probability of occurrence and the existing controls, among other criteria.
Results of the risk assessment by work activity at the Chihuahua plant

Finally, we established prevention and control measures
adapted to each activity. Some examples of these
measures include talks to brigade members and area
staff, training on the correct use of personal protective
equipment, installation of anti-slip floors, adequate
lighting, and scheduled maintenance, among others.
Health in the work environment
As part of our occupational health and safety management system, we conduct annual health campaigns composed of different bimonthly, seasonal, and recurring programs. These are run by a medical area:
Additionally, at Grupo Bafar we offer a set of benefits
to guarantee the continuous health care of our
collaborators, including:
Similarly, through Grupo Bafar Foundation’s health
campaigns, our collaborators can obtain discounts to
purchase eyeglasses, hearing aids, and hospital services
at preferential prices to take care of their general wellbeing, as well as their dental, hearing, and visual health.
On the other hand, as we continue to face the COVID-19 contingency, we kept distributing newsletters with relevant information, for example, about vaccination against the virus and the necessary hygiene measures to safeguard our workforce.
We also trained our collaborators on different health and safety issues:

Labor well-being
Adoption of Mexico’s new legislation on occupational psychosocial health
During 2021, we applied and implemented the Mexican Official Standard number NOM-035-STPS-2018, “Identification, Analysis and Prevention of Psychosocial Risk Factors at Work”. Accordingly, we put in place our Psychosocial Risk Prevention Policy and were able to draw a more holistic picture of the different components that make up our work environment, as well as to get a better understating of the situation at an individual and group level of our organization.
The results of reference guides 1 and 3 were satisfactory. However, we tackled the fronts that scored below the average, such as workloads and working hours, through the implementation of flexible work schedules, as well as the review and update of job descriptions and organizational architecture, among others.

Moreover, we installed the “Entorno” app, from Brivé Soluciones, to digitize the implementation of NOM-035 and automatically obtain results.
In addition to these actions, the current conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic allowed us to start studying the adoption of remote work as a formal practice. Seeking to maximize the well-being of collaborators and the competitiveness of the organization, we conducted a quantitative and qualitative analysis that supports decision-making regarding the best organizational work scheme, whether home office, face-to-face or shift work, among others.

Bafar stock compensation plan
In 2021, we implemented the Bafar stock compensation plan, developed with the purpose of rewarding our managers and senior executive officers for their service and loyalty. Based on the support Grupo Bafar needs to achieve its financial goals in the coming years, this plan offers long-term equity growth for executives.
Likewise, to ensure its proper and transparent implementation, we created the Stock Compensation Plan Administration Policy; and through its criteria and guidelines, over 100 collaborators obtained this benefit. Therefore, this initiative encourages the achievement of both individual and group objectives and brings certainty to the exponential growth of the company and its people.
Retirement plan
Implemented in 2021, Grupo Bafar’s Retirement Policy seeks to support its collaborators’ financial stability during their post-retirement days. This policy determines the retirement bonus that collaborators over 60 years of age receive when they retire from the Company or join as consultants; thus, the plan guarantees an adequate and dignified closure of the work performed by the collaborator throughout his or her work life in the organization.
Baby-B day childcare center
As part of the Mexican Institute of Social Security (Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, IMSS for its Spanish acronym) childcare system, the Baby-B childcare center, created by Grupo Bafar Foundation, supports collaborators by offering high-quality childcare services to their children between 45 days old and 4 years old.
The nursery is part of Fibra Nova’s infrastructure and has a capacity to care for 150 babies and children with the highest quality standards.

GRI 413-1
Grupo Bafar recognizes the importance of protecting the social fabric of the communities where it operates; therefore, through the Grupo Bafar Foundation we develop and implement initiatives, projects, and programs that benefit various population groups, including the most vulnerable.
Given the global crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are convinced that we must foster solidarity in our society in order to move forward. For this reason, in 2021, we reaffirmed our commitment to thousands of Mexican families, developing and broadening the scope of several Grupo Bafar Foundation initiatives and programs.
Grupo Bafar FoundationCreated in 2011 with the mission of “forming better Mexicans”, Fundación Grupo Bafar, A.C. seeks to contribute to a better quality of life for communities at risk through strategic alliances and comprehensive programs that address 5 strategic lines: food, sports, education, values, and health and environmental care.

Our Foundation has a documented internal procedure that establishes the criteria, guidelines, and specifications of its operation to ensure that all initiatives are carried out in a structured, transparent, and efficient manner.
Social-sports schools
In collaboration with the Real Madrid Foundation, this program allows children and teenagers from impoverished areas to develop sports skills through soccer and basketball. In addition to the sporting component, the program includes academic activities, cultural initiatives, and nutritional follow-up to ensure the development of a balanced life from an early age.

Even though the COVID-19 contingency forced us to pause the activities of this program in 2021, we stepped up our support to every beneficiary family, ensuring that their nutritional needs were met by providing them with adequate food.
Women’s program
In alliance with the Asociación Nacional Pro Superación Personal (ANSPAC), an organization engaged in promoting personal growth, the program supports the personal, family, and work growth of women by providing workshops and courses for one year in the cities of Mexico, Cuernavaca, Chihuahua, Pachuca, Toluca, and La Piedad. At the end of the program, the women participants partake in a graduation ceremony that recognizes their commitment and responsibility.

Food collection center
The purpose of this center is to contribute to better nutrition, economy, and quality of life for the residents of marginalized communities through the distribution of perishable and non-perishable food and personal care items.

Despite the health contingency caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, the program continues, upholding its commitment to the well-being of communities. As of 2021, 78,801 food packages have been delivered to families that are most in need, including the Rarámuri ethnic communities living in the Sierra Tarahumara, and groups affected by the pandemic such as the medical service, Public Security, the Ministry of National Defense, Firefighters, Civil Society Organizations, waiters, and musicians, among others.
The pandemic prompted us to renew strategies and revamp methodologies with this program, doubling its operational efforts, increasing product donations, and almost reaching the 32 Mexican states through the 24 distribution centers and more than 300 Carne Mart stores.

Medical campaigns
In collaboration with Global Spine Outreach (GSO) and Christus Muguerza, we perform surgeries to improve the quality of life of children and young people suffering from scoliosis, cleft palate, and cleft lip, as well as dental, hearing, and visual health campaigns, medical examinations, and nutritional assessments.

Golf tournament
Every year, our Foundation organizes the “Une-T Por mejores mexicanos” golf tournament. This is one of our biggest events with a cause since beyond having a positive impact on the community, it seeks to convey a message of solidarity to the whole Mexican society.
The funds raised during the golf tournament is channeled to the social programs developed by Grupo Bafar Foundation. Likewise, the event was attended by great athletes such as Rafael Márquez, Hugo Sánchez, and Lorena Ochoa, among others, whose participation helps to promote the importance of sports among children and young people.
Devlyn program
In 2021, we signed a collaboration agreement with the Devlyn Foundation to deliver 4,000 eyeglasses fully adapted to the needs of the beneficiaries. Under the slogan “for better eyesight for all”, two campaigns were carried out in July and December.

“Together we can do more” volunteer program
The participation of women and men as volunteers is fundamental for the successful implementation of our Foundation’s programs. Grupo Bafar’s collaborators are the largest group of volunteers who devote part of their free time to make initiatives, projects, and activities of high impact for the community a success.
In 2021, volunteers participated in activities such as the trash collection campaign in the areas surrounding the social-sports schools.

We have developed different initiatives to promote environmental care, including the repopulation of native species such as bighorn sheep, white-tailed deer, and pronghorn in the “Rancho Santa Anita” game reserve.
We also carried out a tree planting campaign in which our collaborators, together with parents, teachers, and students, planted more than 70,000 trees in the states of Chihuahua and Michoacán.
Internal support
Lastly, our Foundation provides support to Grupo Bafar’s collaborators who may require special aid due to a complicated socio-economic situation, an accident, natural disaster, or medical problem, among other circumstances.
The collaborators’ request for support is evaluated by Grupo Bafar Foundation, which analyzes various criteria and decides on the assistance to be provided in applicable cases.